Policy on Tips, Gratuities and Service Charge
- This policy sets out the Company’s policy on allocating tips, gratuities and service charges (referred to in this policy as ‘tips’, for convenience), in accordance with the Employment (Allocation of Tips) Act 2023 (“Tipping Act 2023”) and the statutory Code of Practice. It sets out the process that we will follow and when tips will be paid.
- The Tipping Act 2023 provides for agency workers, who might not be workers of the Business (eg, the principal or hirer) to which they are supplied to benefit from the legislation as if they were a worker of the Business. The Business where you are required to work is responsible for fairly allocating tips, gratuities and service charges between agency workers and the worker which it directly employs.
- This policy does not form part of an agency worker’s contract. We may amend it at any time and decide to follow a different procedure where we consider it appropriate.
- Quadrant will pass on 100% of what has been reported to the business for tips and gratuities onto the employees minus tax and statutory deductions, furthermore Quadrant will only act on information received from its clients.
- Quadrant will process employees’ tips and gratuities payment received from the client within 7 days of the payment received from client.
- The tipping record will be kept for a period of three years beginning with the date on which the tip was paid. It will be stored, processed and disposed of in accordance with relevant data protection legislation.
- If you have any concern or query regarding allocation of tips from the Company, please speak to a line manage. If this does not address your concern or query, please follow the Company’s grievance procedure.
- We will review this policy annually to ensure it remains current and up to date with legislation also does not discriminate against any group of workers.
October 2024